Chien-Cheng Wu

I am a Ph.D. specializing in the intersection of Reinforcement Learning, Optimization, and Cyber-Physical Systems. My research focused on devising learning-based methods to optimize complex data flows and enhancing system services with heightened safety, autonomy, and intelligence. Prior to my transition to research, I pursued a career as a senior software engineer. In this role, I led software development initiatives across diverse platforms, including ARM and x86 architectures, utilizing programming languages such as C, C++, and Python within Linux environments. This experience significantly fortified my proficiency in communication protocols, laying the groundwork for advancements in Computer Vision services and SoC/MCU applications. My professional trajectory has been characterized by a rich blend of theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience, fostering expertise in device drivers and CI/CD toolchains. Equipped with adept project management skills, I have demonstrated the ability to oversee complex projects, ensuring seamless project deliveries. As I navigate academic rigor and industry experience, I am keen on leveraging my diverse skill set to spearhead innovations and drive technological advancements in my future endeavors.